
List of ATMs 695522 Pincode

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State Bank of India ATM Details:

ATM ATM ID/Name S1Nw070252047
Bank Name
Address Thiruvananthapuram Near Sbi Vellayani

State Bank of India ATM Details:

ATM ATM ID/Name S1Nw070502024
Bank Name
Address Vellayani Agriculture College

State Bank of India ATM Details:

ATM ATM ID/Name S1Bw070019002
Bank Name
Address Thiruvananthapuram Kerala 1 Agri.College Campus Vellayani .

Canara Bank ATM Details:

ATM ATM ID/Name Fss:Tvm Cont:Poonkul
Bank Name
Address Trivandrum - Nandanam, Poonkulam, Vellayani (P.O), Trivandrum -