

Chowdepalle block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Chowdepalle
Block Code : 1079
District : Chittoor
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Chittoor District

Nearest Village to Chowdepalle

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Diguvapalle 596510 Chowdepalle 2209 Hectares 3470 517257
2 Kogathi 596511 Chowdepalle 1277 Hectares 2988 517257
3 Kondamarri 596512 Chowdepalle 2812 Hectares 5134 517257
4 Gaddamvaripalle 596513 Chowdepalle 1732 Hectares 3879 517257
5 Peddayallakuntla 596514 Chowdepalle 461 Hectares 1054 517257
6 Chowdepalle 596515 Chowdepalle 1036 Hectares 7026 517257
7 Pandillapalle 596516 Chowdepalle 665 Hectares 1842 517257
8 Settipeta 596517 Chowdepalle 617 Hectares 1134 517257
9 Pudipatla 596518 Chowdepalle 1160 Hectares 2707 517257
10 29 -A. Chinta -Makulapalle 596519 Chowdepalle 713 Hectares 1807 517257
11 Katiperi 596520 Chowdepalle 1206 Hectares 2133 517257
12 Laddigam 596521 Chowdepalle 572 Hectares 1251 517247
13 A.Kothakota 596522 Chowdepalle 924 Hectares 2250 517247
14 Durgasamudram 596523 Chowdepalle 1588 Hectares 2991 517257
15 Charala 596524 Chowdepalle 2457 Hectares 2437 517257

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