

Nindra block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Nindra
Block Code : 1070
District : Chittoor
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Chittoor District

Nearest Village to Nindra

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Kavanur 596350 Nindra 582 Hectares 1919 517643
2 Sri Ramapuram 596351 Nindra 274 Hectares 1575 517587
3 Koppedu Acharyula Khandriga 596352 Nindra 268 Hectares 2363 517587
4 Samayapuram 596353 Nindra 355 Hectares 219
5 Elakatur 596354 Nindra 1010 Hectares 2705 517591
6 Chavarambakam 596355 Nindra 610 Hectares 1006 517591
7 Arur 596356 Nindra 545 Hectares 2363 517591
8 Iruguvai 596357 Nindra 730 Hectares 3682 517590
9 Padiri 596358 Nindra 906 Hectares 1463 517591
10 Kunama Raju Palem 596359 Nindra 374 Hectares 1366
11 Netteri 596360 Nindra 161 Hectares 873
12 Kacharavedu 596361 Nindra 430 Hectares 1357
13 Nindra 596362 Nindra 1074 Hectares 3899 517591
14 Agaram 596363 Nindra 1159 Hectares 1382 517591
15 Athur 596364 Nindra 1449 Hectares 2821 517520

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