

Peddamandyam block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Peddamandyam
Block Code : 1036
District : Chittoor
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Chittoor District

Nearest Village to Peddamandyam

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Diguvapalle 595633 Peddamandyam 1683 Hectares 763 517219
2 Bandrevu 595634 Peddamandyam 2612 Hectares 2714 517418
3 Musalikunta 595635 Peddamandyam 1998 Hectares 2763 517418
4 Papepalle 595636 Peddamandyam 2969 Hectares 3750 517297
5 Peddamandyam 595637 Peddamandyam 3395 Hectares 7960 517297
6 Kalicherla 595638 Peddamandyam 4884 Hectares 8999 517297
7 Siddavaram 595639 Peddamandyam 667 Hectares 1149 517297
8 Sivapuram 595640 Peddamandyam 1334 Hectares 1273 517297
9 Veligallu 595641 Peddamandyam 2031 Hectares 5131 517297

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