

Pichatur block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Pichatur
Block Code : 1067
District : Chittoor
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Chittoor District

Nearest Village to Pichatur

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Mudiyur 596290 Pichatur 1277 Hectares 2288 517587
2 Keelapudi 596291 Pichatur 699 Hectares 2672 517587
3 Pichatur 596292 Pichatur 487 Hectares 4620 517587
4 Reppalapattu 596293 Pichatur 162 Hectares 258 517587
5 Ramagiri 596294 Pichatur 308 Hectares 1833 517587
6 Rajanagaram 596295 Pichatur 94 Hectares 669 517587
7 Appambattu 596296 Pichatur 145 Hectares 725 517587
8 Velur 596297 Pichatur 306 Hectares 1115 517587
9 Neervoy 596298 Pichatur 297 Hectares 1896 517587
10 Vengalathur 596299 Pichatur 844 Hectares 2499 517587
11 Ramapuram 596300 Pichatur 403 Hectares 1784 517587
12 Sivagiri 596301 Pichatur 1297 Hectares 1582 517587
13 Pulipadu @Govardhanagiri 596302 Pichatur 904 Hectares 1087 517587
14 Karuru @ Krishnagiri 596303 Pichatur 630 Hectares 3395 517589
15 Pulikondram 596304 Pichatur 1427 Hectares 1260 517587
16 Chilamathur @ Bangala 596305 Pichatur 588 Hectares 1066 517589
17 Shamsheer Bahadurpeta 596306 Pichatur 594 Hectares 2775 517589

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