

Pileru block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Pileru
Block Code : 1052
District : Chittoor
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Chittoor District

Nearest Village to Pileru

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Mellacheruvu 596049 Pileru 1759 Hectares 1561 517214
2 Talupula 596050 Pileru 3031 Hectares 4690 517214
3 Jandla 596051 Pileru 845 Hectares 1516 517214
4 Mudupulavemula 596052 Pileru 1873 Hectares 2132 517214
5 Avuvaripalle 596053 Pileru 58 Hectares 235 517214
6 Kavalipalle 596054 Pileru 437 Hectares 632 517214
7 Maddelacheruvu 596055 Pileru 412 Hectares 710 517214
8 Vepulabylu 596056 Pileru 1431 Hectares 2531 517214
9 Bodumalluvaripalle 596057 Pileru 811 Hectares 2778 517214
10 Gudarevupalle 596058 Pileru 1087 Hectares 1804 517214
11 Yerraguntlapalle 596059 Pileru 870 Hectares 1398 517214
12 Doddipalle 596060 Pileru 2478 Hectares 5292 517214
13 Regullu 596061 Pileru 2919 Hectares 4653 517214

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