

Somala block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Somala
Block Code : 1078
District : Chittoor
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Chittoor District

Nearest Village to Somala

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Mittapalle 596497 Somala 1019 Hectares 1039 517234
2 Thamminayanipalle 596498 Somala 719 Hectares 2325
3 Kandur 596499 Somala 1673 Hectares 4338 517234
4 Kamireddivaripalle 596500 Somala 459 Hectares 1005 517234
5 Valligatla 596501 Somala 1856 Hectares 2340 517257
6 Nellimanda 596502 Somala 1019 Hectares 2699 517257
7 Irikipenta 596503 Somala 1498 Hectares 3265 517234
8 Somala 596504 Somala 2722 Hectares 6323 517257
9 S. Nadim Palle 596505 Somala 1546 Hectares 1505 517257
10 Upparapalle 596506 Somala 1468 Hectares 3030 517257
11 Nanjampeta @ Chandambylu 596507 Somala 1047 Hectares 4531 517257
12 Avulapalle 596508 Somala 886 Hectares 3637 517257
13 Peddauppara Palle 596509 Somala 1016 Hectares 7491 517257

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