

Thamballapalle block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Thamballapalle
Block Code : 1035
District : Chittoor
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Chittoor District

Nearest Village to Thamballapalle

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Zunjurupenta 595616 Thamballapalle 1539 Hectares 1244
2 Kotala 595617 Thamballapalle 2636 Hectares 3212 517418
3 Gopidinne 595618 Thamballapalle 2124 Hectares 2955 517418
4 Gangireddipalle 595619 Thamballapalle 788 Hectares 1326 517418
5 Kotlapalle 595620 Thamballapalle 994 Hectares -
6 Diguvapalem 595621 Thamballapalle 1371 Hectares 737 517418
7 Gundlapalle 595622 Thamballapalle 1698 Hectares 1998 517418
8 Thamballapalle 595623 Thamballapalle 4072 Hectares 8416 517418
9 Eddulavaripalle 595624 Thamballapalle 830 Hectares 1621 517418
10 Yerrasanipalle 595625 Thamballapalle 395 Hectares 814 517418
11 Panchalamarri 595626 Thamballapalle 513 Hectares 952 517418
12 Kosuvaripalle 595627 Thamballapalle 5236 Hectares 5911 517325
13 Marrimakulapalle 595628 Thamballapalle 876 Hectares 817 517325
14 Kannemadugu 595629 Thamballapalle 677 Hectares 1574 517418
15 Renimakulapalle 595630 Thamballapalle 1585 Hectares 2494 517418
16 Kotakonda 595631 Thamballapalle 1208 Hectares 2866 517219
17 Kukkarajupalle 595632 Thamballapalle 1484 Hectares 2977 517219

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