

Thottambedu block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Thottambedu
Block Code : 1046
District : Chittoor
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Chittoor District

Nearest Village to Thottambedu

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Gottipudi 595874 Thottambedu 697 Hectares 557 517536
2 Rambhatlapalle 595875 Thottambedu 381 Hectares 505 517536
3 Kasaram 595876 Thottambedu 1461 Hectares 1708 517536
4 Mamidigunta 595877 Thottambedu 123 Hectares 293 517536
5 Pillamedu 595878 Thottambedu 157 Hectares 660 517536
6 Dainadu 595879 Thottambedu 243 Hectares 399 517536
7 Kondachenu Khandriga 595880 Thottambedu 23 Hectares -
8 Chemuru 595881 Thottambedu 1582 Hectares 818 517536
9 Chiyyavaram 595882 Thottambedu 648 Hectares 1801 517536
10 Siddigunta @ Umama Heswara Puram 595883 Thottambedu 214 Hectares 129 517536
11 Chodavaram 595884 Thottambedu 775 Hectares 887 517536
12 Peddagunta Agraharam 595885 Thottambedu 123 Hectares 223 517536
13 Peddakanaparthi 595886 Thottambedu 662 Hectares 1773 517642
14 Konnali 595887 Thottambedu 224 Hectares 462 517642
15 Konathaneri 595888 Thottambedu 578 Hectares 2070 517642
16 Pennalapadu 595889 Thottambedu 263 Hectares 547 517642
17 Verupakshapuram 595890 Thottambedu 320 Hectares 787 517536
18 Gunteligunta @ L.N.Puram 595891 Thottambedu 164 Hectares 609 517536
19 Pudi 595892 Thottambedu 700 Hectares 1971 517642
20 Ilaganur 595893 Thottambedu 196 Hectares 982 517642
21 Gurukulapalem 595894 Thottambedu 165 Hectares 654 517642
22 Poyya 595895 Thottambedu 705 Hectares 1797 517642
23 Gummadigunta 595896 Thottambedu 234 Hectares 192 517642
24 Routhusuramala 595897 Thottambedu 1139 Hectares 855 517642
25 Gowdamala 595898 Thottambedu 343 Hectares 675 517640
26 Thangellapalem 595899 Thottambedu 644 Hectares 1132 517640
27 Tatiparthy 595900 Thottambedu 597 Hectares 398 517642
28 Kallipudi 595901 Thottambedu 172 Hectares 781 517642
29 Chinna Singamala 595902 Thottambedu 38 Hectares 499 517642
30 Pedda Kannali 595903 Thottambedu 746 Hectares 5562 517642
31 Basavaiahpalem 595904 Thottambedu 100 Hectares 1157 517642
32 Sambaiahpalem 595905 Thottambedu 335 Hectares 1294 517640
33 Cheruku Ragappa Naidu Khandriga 595906 Thottambedu 175 Hectares 279 517640
34 Edulagunta 595907 Thottambedu 29 Hectares 1600 517640
35 Thottambedu 595908 Thottambedu 915 Hectares 2914 517640
36 Sivanadhapalem 595909 Thottambedu 615 Hectares 720 517640
37 Dongalamudur 595910 Thottambedu 110 Hectares 274 517643
38 Chittathur 595911 Thottambedu 479 Hectares 2753 517643
39 Srikrishnapuram 595912 Thottambedu 433 Hectares 336 517643
40 Kanchanapalle 595913 Thottambedu 728 Hectares 574 517643
41 Bonupalle 595914 Thottambedu 627 Hectares 1417 517643

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