

Anaparthy block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Anaparthy
Block Code : 586
District : East Godavari
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in East Godavari District

Nearest Village to Anaparthy

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Duppalapudi 587540 Anaparthy 866 Hectares 5115 533342
2 Anaparthy 587541 Anaparthy 1807 Hectares 26788 533342
3 Koppavaram 587542 Anaparthy 380 Hectares 6050 533346
4 Mahendrawada 587543 Anaparthy 592 Hectares 5941 533342
5 Polamuru 587544 Anaparthy 382 Hectares 6041 533342
6 Ramavaram 587545 Anaparthy 434 Hectares 5464 533264
7 Kutukuluru 587546 Anaparthy 348 Hectares 8726 533264
8 Pedaparthi 587547 Anaparthy 326 Hectares 2186 533264
9 Pulagurtha 587548 Anaparthy 917 Hectares 4548 533261

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