

Biccavolu block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Biccavolu
Block Code : 585
District : East Godavari
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in East Godavari District

Nearest Village to Biccavolu

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Rangapuram 587526 Biccavolu 739 Hectares 4820 533343
2 Illapalle 587527 Biccavolu 501 Hectares 2260 533343
3 Thummalapalle 587528 Biccavolu 174 Hectares 450 533343
4 Rallakhandrika 587529 Biccavolu 81 Hectares -
5 Biccavolu 587530 Biccavolu 1966 Hectares 14278 533343
6 Balabhadrapuram 587531 Biccavolu 1805 Hectares 9974 533343
7 Kapavaram 587532 Biccavolu 1083 Hectares 3835 533342
8 Komaripalem 587533 Biccavolu 685 Hectares 6479 533346
9 Tossipudi 587534 Biccavolu 158 Hectares 2404 533345
10 Pandalapaka 587535 Biccavolu 749 Hectares 7807 533345
11 Voolapalle 587536 Biccavolu 935 Hectares 7035 533343
12 Konkuduru 587537 Biccavolu 774 Hectares 6987 533345
13 Arikarevula 587538 Biccavolu 282 Hectares 2035 533255
14 Melluru 587539 Biccavolu 290 Hectares 1913 533255

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