

Gandepalle block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Gandepalle
Block Code : 575
District : East Godavari
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in East Godavari District

Nearest Village to Gandepalle

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Singarampalem 587362 Gandepalle 1236 Hectares 1050 533297
2 Murari 587363 Gandepalle 2352 Hectares 6951 533297
3 Gandepalle 587364 Gandepalle 1244 Hectares 5536 533297
4 North Tirupathi Rajapuram 587365 Gandepalle 678 Hectares 3109 533297
5 Mallepalle 587366 Gandepalle 2722 Hectares 8149 533435
6 Uppalapadu 587367 Gandepalle 1322 Hectares 4115 533435
7 Talluru 587368 Gandepalle 1059 Hectares 3747 533435
8 Pro. Ragampeta 587369 Gandepalle 1445 Hectares 8171 533435
9 Borrampalem 587370 Gandepalle 313 Hectares 1116 533435
10 Yellamilli 587371 Gandepalle 1014 Hectares 3311 533437
11 P.Nayakampalle 587372 Gandepalle 1150 Hectares 3253 533437
12 Yerrampalem 587373 Gandepalle 854 Hectares 1780 533437
13 Surampalem 587374 Gandepalle 1206 Hectares 3990 533437

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