

Gollaprolu block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Gollaprolu
Block Code : 573
District : East Godavari
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in East Godavari District

Nearest Village to Gollaprolu

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Kodavali 587329 Gollaprolu 750 Hectares 3892 533449
2 Chendurthi 587330 Gollaprolu 2058 Hectares 4683 533449
3 Durgada 587331 Gollaprolu 1440 Hectares 10717 533449
4 Vijayanagaram 587332 Gollaprolu 331 Hectares 1090 533449
5 Chebrolu 587333 Gollaprolu 1909 Hectares 14912 533449
6 Vannepudi 587334 Gollaprolu 350 Hectares 3748 533449
7 China Jaggampeta 587335 Gollaprolu 435 Hectares 2861 533445
8 Tatiparthi 587336 Gollaprolu 879 Hectares 8239 533445
9 Gollaprolu 587337 Gollaprolu 1572 Hectares 23882 533445
10 Seethanagaram 587338 Gollaprolu 319 Hectares -
11 Laxmipuram 587339 Gollaprolu 482 Hectares -
12 Mallavaram 587340 Gollaprolu 1890 Hectares 4902 533449

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