
I. Polavaram

I. Polavaram block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : I. Polavaram
Block Code : 600
District : East Godavari
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in East Godavari District

Nearest Village to I. Polavaram

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Pasuvullanka 587741 I. Polavaram 460 Hectares 3791 533220
2 Komaragiri 587742 I. Polavaram 743 Hectares 4965 533220
3 Patha Injaram 587743 I. Polavaram 752 Hectares 2071 533464
4 Yedurulanka 587744 I. Polavaram 385 Hectares 2864 533464
5 Guthinadeevi 587745 I. Polavaram 3644 Hectares 9225 533464
6 G. Vemavaram 587746 I. Polavaram 1444 Hectares 9706 533464
7 T. Kothapalle 587747 I. Polavaram 1291 Hectares 7500 533220
8 I. Polavaram 587748 I. Polavaram 848 Hectares 6759 533220
9 Muramalla 587749 I. Polavaram 448 Hectares 5390 533220
10 Kesanakurru 587750 I. Polavaram 2108 Hectares 11570 533220
11 Thillakkuppa 587751 I. Polavaram 696 Hectares 3593 533220

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