

Kotananduru block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Kotananduru
Block Code : 560
District : East Godavari
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in East Godavari District

Nearest Village to Kotananduru

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 K. E. Chinnayyapalem 586943 Kotananduru 1251 Hectares 4203 533407
2 Lakshmidevipeta 586944 Kotananduru 370 Hectares 1370 533407
3 Allipudi 586945 Kotananduru 1026 Hectares 4990 533407
4 Kotananduru 586946 Kotananduru 676 Hectares 6013 533407
5 Kakarapalle 586947 Kotananduru 412 Hectares 2480 533407
6 Bhimavarapukota 586948 Kotananduru 944 Hectares 2969 533407
7 Surapurajupeta 586949 Kotananduru 481 Hectares 3771 533407
8 Billananduru 586950 Kotananduru 1399 Hectares 2666 533407
9 Indugapalle 586951 Kotananduru 915 Hectares 4160 533407
10 Thatipaka Jagan Nadha Nagaram 586952 Kotananduru 158 Hectares 1175 533407
11 Boddavaram 586953 Kotananduru 433 Hectares 3440 533401
12 Kamatam Mallavaram 586954 Kotananduru 669 Hectares 2530 533407
13 Arthamuru 586955 Kotananduru 265 Hectares -
14 Koppaka Agraharam 586956 Kotananduru 307 Hectares 1460 533407
15 Kottam 586957 Kotananduru 1838 Hectares 7285 533407
16 Darakonda 586958 Kotananduru 100 Hectares -

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