

Kothapalle block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Kothapalle
Block Code : 582
District : East Godavari
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in East Godavari District

Nearest Village to Kothapalle

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 P. Isukapalle 587478 Kothapalle 653 Hectares 4358 533450
2 Nagulapalle 587479 Kothapalle 988 Hectares 7283 533447
3 Ramanakkapeta 587480 Kothapalle 1689 Hectares 6090 533447
4 Ponnada 587481 Kothapalle 1586 Hectares 8139 533448
5 Mulapeta 587482 Kothapalle 540 Hectares 7244 533448
6 Amaravalli 587483 Kothapalle 353 Hectares 884 533448
7 Yendapalle 587484 Kothapalle 1051 Hectares 5310 533447
8 Vakatippa 587485 Kothapalle 247 Hectares 3531 533447
9 Kondevaram 587486 Kothapalle 566 Hectares 6613 533450
10 Gorsa 587487 Kothapalle 349 Hectares 2387 533450
11 Komaragiri 587488 Kothapalle 1677 Hectares 5456 533450
12 Kutukudumilli 587489 Kothapalle 311 Hectares 1828 533447
13 Kothapalle 587490 Kothapalle 405 Hectares 3632 533447
14 Aminabada 587491 Kothapalle 239 Hectares 5827 533448
15 Uppada 587492 Kothapalle 137 Hectares 12964 533448
16 Subbampeta 587493 Kothapalle 91 Hectares 1242 533448
17 Siddheswaram 593958 Kothapalle 2330 Hectares 1269 518422
18 Veerabhadradurgam 593959 Kothapalle 123 Hectares -
19 Sangameswaram 593960 Kothapalle 333 Hectares -
20 Erramatam 593961 Kothapalle 2398 Hectares 1849 518422
21 Musalimadugu 593962 Kothapalle 1701 Hectares 2052 518422
22 Gummadapuram 593963 Kothapalle 1696 Hectares 2288 518422
23 Sivapuram 593964 Kothapalle 977 Hectares 2395 518422
24 Kothapalle 593965 Kothapalle 2326 Hectares 3635 518422
25 Guvvalakunta 593966 Kothapalle 1256 Hectares 4157 518422
26 Nandikunta 593967 Kothapalle 1262 Hectares 1713 518422
27 Gokavaram 593968 Kothapalle 1614 Hectares 2568 518422
28 Battuvaripalle 593969 Kothapalle 424 Hectares 255 518422
29 Kokkerancha 593970 Kothapalle 2205 Hectares 2224 518422
30 Edurupadu 593971 Kothapalle 1877 Hectares 1779 518422
31 Dudyala 593972 Kothapalle 3017 Hectares 4178 518422

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