

Mandapeta block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Mandapeta
Block Code : 589
District : East Godavari
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in East Godavari District

Nearest Village to Mandapeta

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Kesavaram 587571 Mandapeta 1422 Hectares 10273 533341
2 Vemulapalle @ Seetayyapalem 587572 Mandapeta 1663 Hectares 10090 533341
3 Dwarapudi 587573 Mandapeta 361 Hectares 5684 533341
4 Chinadevarapudi 587574 Mandapeta 93 Hectares 727 533341
5 Z.Medapadu 587575 Mandapeta 381 Hectares 2268 533341
6 Meruipadu 587576 Mandapeta 111 Hectares 859 533126
7 Velagathodu 587577 Mandapeta 343 Hectares 4627 533340
8 Palathodu 587578 Mandapeta 373 Hectares 2584 533340
9 Ippanapadu 587579 Mandapeta 241 Hectares 5483 533340
10 Tapeswaram 587580 Mandapeta 636 Hectares 7411 533340
11 Yeditha 587581 Mandapeta 2184 Hectares 18438 533234
12 Arthamuru 587582 Mandapeta 674 Hectares 6326 533340
13 Maredubaka (Part) 587583 Mandapeta 343 Hectares 1846 533308

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