

Prathipadu block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Prathipadu
Block Code : 571
District : East Godavari
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in East Godavari District

# Panchayat Panchayat Code Block District State
1 Chintaluru Prathipadu East Godavari Andhra Pradesh
2 Dharmavaram Prathipadu East Godavari Andhra Pradesh
3 Gokavaram Prathipadu East Godavari Andhra Pradesh
4 Gottipadu Prathipadu East Godavari Andhra Pradesh
5 Peddipalem Prathipadu East Godavari Andhra Pradesh
6 Prathipadu Prathipadu East Godavari Andhra Pradesh
7 Rachapalle Prathipadu East Godavari Andhra Pradesh
8 Sarabhavaram Prathipadu East Godavari Andhra Pradesh
9 Tummalapalem Prathipadu East Godavari Andhra Pradesh
10 Vakapalle Prathipadu East Godavari Andhra Pradesh
11 Yeluru Prathipadu East Godavari Andhra Pradesh
12 Bavuruvaka Prathipadu East Godavari Andhra Pradesh
13 Buradakota Prathipadu East Godavari Andhra Pradesh
14 China Sankarlapudi Prathipadu East Godavari Andhra Pradesh
15 Edulapalem Prathipadu East Godavari Andhra Pradesh
16 Enamadala, Tikkireddipalem, Koyavaripalem Prathipadu East Godavari Andhra Pradesh
17 Gajjanapudi Prathipadu East Godavari Andhra Pradesh
18 Ganikapudi Prathipadu East Godavari Andhra Pradesh
19 Kondepadu Prathipadu East Godavari Andhra Pradesh
20 Lampakalova Prathipadu East Godavari Andhra Pradesh
21 Mallayapalem, K.M.Palem Prathipadu East Godavari Andhra Pradesh
22 Nadimpalem, Tummalapalem Prathipadu East Godavari Andhra Pradesh
23 Peda Sankarlapudi Prathipadu East Godavari Andhra Pradesh
24 Pothuluru Prathipadu East Godavari Andhra Pradesh
25 Prathipadu, Nimmagaddavaripalem Prathipadu East Godavari Andhra Pradesh
26 U. Jagannadhapuram Prathipadu East Godavari Andhra Pradesh
27 Uttarakanchi Prathipadu East Godavari Andhra Pradesh
28 Vangipuram, Medavaripalem Prathipadu East Godavari Andhra Pradesh
29 Venkatanagaram Prathipadu East Godavari Andhra Pradesh
30 Vommangi Prathipadu East Godavari Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Village to Prathipadu

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Uligogila 587274 Prathipadu 67 Hectares 79 533430
2 Bapannadhara 587275 Prathipadu 109 Hectares 336 533430
3 K. Mirthivada 587276 Prathipadu 94 Hectares 65 533430
4 Buradakota 587277 Prathipadu 69 Hectares 200 533430
5 Kondapalle 587278 Prathipadu 91 Hectares 168 533430
6 Doparthi 587279 Prathipadu 137 Hectares 136 533446
7 Thaduvai 587280 Prathipadu 2222 Hectares 83 533446
8 Girijanapuram 587281 Prathipadu 12 Hectares 38 533430
9 Thotakurapalem 587282 Prathipadu - -
10 Seemusuru 587283 Prathipadu 20 Hectares -
11 Yerakampalem 587284 Prathipadu 75 Hectares 2 533430
12 Mettu Chintha 587285 Prathipadu 93 Hectares 233 533430
13 Bavuruvaka 587286 Prathipadu 619 Hectares 560 533446
14 Kothuru 587287 Prathipadu 907 Hectares 562 533446
15 Pandavulapalem 587288 Prathipadu 285 Hectares 533 533430
16 Podurupaka 587289 Prathipadu 690 Hectares 396 533430
17 Peddipalem 587290 Prathipadu 1003 Hectares 4011 533430
18 Vemulapalem 587291 Prathipadu 137 Hectares 966 533430
19 Gokavaram 587292 Prathipadu 924 Hectares 466 533430
20 Arilla Dhara 587293 Prathipadu 96 Hectares -
21 Vanthada 587294 Prathipadu 106 Hectares 388 533430
22 Uttarakanchi 587295 Prathipadu 917 Hectares 4084 533430
23 Peda Sankarlapudi 587296 Prathipadu 800 Hectares 3110 533432
24 Lampakalova 587297 Prathipadu 476 Hectares 2723 533430
25 Sarabhavaram 587298 Prathipadu 995 Hectares 2421 533430
26 K. Kothapalle 587299 Prathipadu 282 Hectares -
27 Gajjanapudi 587300 Prathipadu 358 Hectares 2904 533430
28 Chintaluru 587301 Prathipadu 980 Hectares 2901 533446
29 Thotapalle 587302 Prathipadu 198 Hectares 287 533446
30 U. Jagannadhapuram 587303 Prathipadu 163 Hectares 2066 533446
31 Venkatanagaram 587304 Prathipadu 573 Hectares 889 533446
32 Vakapalle 587305 Prathipadu 395 Hectares 1367 533430
33 P. Jagannadhapuram 587306 Prathipadu 406 Hectares 321 533446
34 China Sankarlapudi 587307 Prathipadu 867 Hectares 2801 533432
35 Yeluru 587308 Prathipadu 779 Hectares 4509 533432
36 Prathipadu 587309 Prathipadu 985 Hectares 11876 533432
37 Vommangi 587310 Prathipadu 2143 Hectares 7611 533430
38 Pothuluru 587311 Prathipadu 902 Hectares 3322 533430
39 Rachapalle 587312 Prathipadu 821 Hectares 5542 533430
40 Dharmavaram 587313 Prathipadu 2101 Hectares 11120 533430
41 Edulapalem 590323 Prathipadu 381 Hectares 690 522019
42 Enamadala 590324 Prathipadu 2469 Hectares 8479 522019
43 Kondepadu 590325 Prathipadu 482 Hectares 1239 522019
44 Prathipadu 590326 Prathipadu 2255 Hectares 14305 522019
45 Nadimpalem 590327 Prathipadu 1242 Hectares 9584 522019
46 Kondajagarlamudi 590328 Prathipadu 119 Hectares 339 522019
47 Gottipadu 590329 Prathipadu 1441 Hectares 5615 522019
48 Ganikapudi 590330 Prathipadu 530 Hectares 1929 522019
49 Mallayapalem 590331 Prathipadu 1460 Hectares 3511 522019
50 Vangipuram 590332 Prathipadu 1918 Hectares 3699 522015

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