

Rangampeta block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Rangampeta
Block Code : 579
District : East Godavari
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in East Godavari District

Nearest Village to Rangampeta

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 South Thirupathi Rajapuram 587420 Rangampeta 391 Hectares 1886 533294
2 Vadisaleru 587421 Rangampeta 2381 Hectares 8338 533294
3 Rangampeta 587422 Rangampeta 1449 Hectares 7983 533291
4 Pedarayavaram 587423 Rangampeta 646 Hectares 2430 533291
5 Kotapadu 587424 Rangampeta 1154 Hectares 3839 533291
6 Venkatapuram 587425 Rangampeta 515 Hectares 2138 533291
7 Subhadrampeta 587426 Rangampeta 440 Hectares 2010 533291
8 Mukundavaram 587427 Rangampeta 738 Hectares 2434 533291
9 Elakolanu 587428 Rangampeta 1438 Hectares 4229 533294
10 Veerampalem 587429 Rangampeta 620 Hectares 2702 533294
11 G. Donthamuru 587430 Rangampeta 1311 Hectares 5336 533294
12 Doddigunta 587431 Rangampeta 1217 Hectares 4467 533291
13 Marripudi 587432 Rangampeta 1129 Hectares 3250 533437
14 Singampalle 587433 Rangampeta 635 Hectares 3958 533343
15 Nallamilli 587434 Rangampeta 512 Hectares 2106 533343

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