

Thallarevu block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Thallarevu
Block Code : 599
District : East Godavari
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in East Godavari District

Nearest Village to Thallarevu

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Chollangi 587728 Thallarevu 750 Hectares 3282 533461
2 Chollangi Peta 587729 Thallarevu 119 Hectares 2982 533461
3 G. Vemavaram 587730 Thallarevu 890 Hectares 5069 533464
4 Patavala 587731 Thallarevu 1653 Hectares 6634 533461
5 Koringa 587732 Thallarevu 1148 Hectares 12495 533461
6 Polekurru 587733 Thallarevu 2423 Hectares 24550 533463
7 Latchipalem 587734 Thallarevu 343 Hectares 793 533464
8 Uppangala 587735 Thallarevu 496 Hectares 1894 533464
9 Pillanka 587736 Thallarevu 807 Hectares 2508 533464
10 Injaram 587737 Thallarevu 497 Hectares 4722 533464
11 Sunkarapalem 587738 Thallarevu 239 Hectares 3756 533464
12 Neelapalle 587739 Thallarevu 390 Hectares 8699 533464
13 P. Mallavaram 587740 Thallarevu 3081 Hectares 5415 533463

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