

Thondangi block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Thondangi
Block Code : 572
District : East Godavari
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in East Godavari District

Nearest Village to Thondangi

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Bendapudi 587314 Thondangi 1728 Hectares 7857 533406
2 Gopalapatnam 587315 Thondangi 327 Hectares 2748 533406
3 P. Agraharam 587316 Thondangi 264 Hectares 1648 533408
4 Thondangi 587317 Thondangi 3087 Hectares 15189 533408
5 Krishnapuram 587318 Thondangi 639 Hectares 2679 533408
6 Pydikonda 587319 Thondangi 756 Hectares 3588 533401
7 Anuru 587320 Thondangi 272 Hectares 1055 533400
8 Vemavaram 587321 Thondangi 694 Hectares 1293 533401
9 Kona Forest 587322 Thondangi 2197 Hectares 14739 533449
10 Srungavruksham 587323 Thondangi 940 Hectares 4890 533408
11 A. Kothapalle 587324 Thondangi 1331 Hectares 8604 533408
12 P.E.Chinnayapalem 587325 Thondangi 1078 Hectares 4128 533406
13 Ravikampadu 587326 Thondangi 686 Hectares 3967 533406
14 Kommanapalle 587327 Thondangi 485 Hectares 1641 533449
15 A.V.Nagaram 587328 Thondangi 2552 Hectares 13566 533449

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