

Uppalaguptam block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Uppalaguptam
Block Code : 611
District : East Godavari
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in East Godavari District

Nearest Village to Uppalaguptam

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Vilasavilli 587891 Uppalaguptam 293 Hectares 4010 533213
2 Bheemanapalle 587892 Uppalaguptam 1349 Hectares 7733 533322
3 Nangavaram 587893 Uppalaguptam 266 Hectares 1531 533222
4 Sannavalli 587894 Uppalaguptam 256 Hectares 1878 533222
5 Chinagedavalli 587895 Uppalaguptam 225 Hectares 1708 533222
6 Pedagadavilli 587896 Uppalaguptam 228 Hectares 1511 533222
7 Munipalle 587897 Uppalaguptam 236 Hectares 1453 533222
8 Gollavilli 587898 Uppalaguptam 348 Hectares 4164 533222
9 Uppalaguptam 587899 Uppalaguptam 1915 Hectares 9397 533222
10 Nimmakayala Kothapalle 587900 Uppalaguptam 2035 Hectares 6234 533222
11 Kunavaram 587901 Uppalaguptam 358 Hectares 2863 533213
12 Gopavaram 587902 Uppalaguptam 577 Hectares 4280 533213
13 T. Challapalle 587903 Uppalaguptam 2177 Hectares 9291 533213
14 Surasaniyanam 587904 Uppalaguptam 1420 Hectares 3878 533213

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