

Kakumanu block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Kakumanu
Block Code : 751
District : Guntur
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Guntur District

Nearest Village to Kakumanu

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Vallur 590345 Kakumanu 2571 Hectares 6273 522124
2 Kollimarla 590346 Kakumanu 1442 Hectares 1889 522112
3 Pandrapadu 590347 Kakumanu 333 Hectares 1364 522124
4 Garikapadu 590348 Kakumanu 2407 Hectares 4218 522112
5 Bhallukanudupalem 590349 Kakumanu 1693 Hectares 2965 522112
6 Kakumanu 590350 Kakumanu 1476 Hectares 5777 522112
7 Kommuru 590351 Kakumanu 2498 Hectares 6594 522112
8 Kondapatur 590352 Kakumanu 1588 Hectares 3020 522112
9 Appapuram 590353 Kakumanu 1120 Hectares 2792 522112
10 Bodipalem 590354 Kakumanu 1260 Hectares 2786 522315
11 Retur 590355 Kakumanu 1450 Hectares 3003 522113

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