

Veldurthi block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Veldurthi
Block Code : 709
District : Guntur
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Guntur District

Nearest Village to Veldurthi

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Kandlakunta 589810 Veldurthi 5543 Hectares 6906 522613
2 Gottipalla 589811 Veldurthi 7052 Hectares 7208 522613
3 Srigiripadu 589812 Veldurthi 8229 Hectares 9579 522613
4 Gundlapadu 589813 Veldurthi 2734 Hectares 6024 522613
5 Rachamallipadu 589814 Veldurthi 4704 Hectares 3941 522613
6 Mandadi 589815 Veldurthi 3881 Hectares 4131 522613
7 Patlaveedu 589816 Veldurthi 2711 Hectares 2390 522613
8 Uppalapadu 589817 Veldurthi 1463 Hectares 4323 522613
9 Veldurthi 589818 Veldurthi 4705 Hectares 4552 522613
10 Narlapuram 594219 Veldurthi 1571 Hectares 2375 518216
11 Mallepalle 594220 Veldurthi 2091 Hectares 2595 518216
12 Ramallakota 594221 Veldurthi 1227 Hectares 4638 518216
13 Pullagummi 594222 Veldurthi 593 Hectares 3339 518216
14 Kalugotla 594223 Veldurthi 4161 Hectares 5855 518216
15 Bukkapuram 594224 Veldurthi 2104 Hectares 1461 518216
16 Sarparajapuram 594225 Veldurthi 1825 Hectares 1236 518216
17 Narasapuram 594226 Veldurthi 2424 Hectares 1420 518216
18 Sho.Boyanapalle 594227 Veldurthi 435 Hectares 1712 518216
19 Veldurthi 594228 Veldurthi 4900 Hectares 17890 518216
20 Cherukulapadu 594229 Veldurthi 1273 Hectares 4121 518216
21 Sudepalle 594230 Veldurthi 2712 Hectares 3971 518216
22 Bhogolu 594231 Veldurthi 1849 Hectares 1689 518216
23 Sho.Peremula 594232 Veldurthi 342 Hectares 404 518216
24 Govardhanagiri 594233 Veldurthi 2563 Hectares 6397 518216
25 Lanja Banda 594234 Veldurthi 2717 Hectares 4017 518216

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