

Vinukonda block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Vinukonda
Block Code : 730
District : Guntur
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Guntur District

Nearest Village to Vinukonda

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Koppukonda 590069 Vinukonda 2415 Hectares 5755 522647
2 Chowtapalem 590070 Vinukonda 624 Hectares 313 522647
3 Neelagangavaram 590071 Vinukonda 1178 Hectares 1680 522647
4 Andugulapadu 590072 Vinukonda 1749 Hectares 2878 522647
5 Narasarayanipalem 590073 Vinukonda 509 Hectares 597 522647
6 Nayanipalem 590074 Vinukonda 519 Hectares 482 522647
7 Sivapuram 590075 Vinukonda 813 Hectares 1750 522647
8 Dondapadu 590076 Vinukonda 1460 Hectares 3475 522647
9 Surepalle 590077 Vinukonda 661 Hectares 235 522647
10 Thimmayapalem 590078 Vinukonda 2630 Hectares 2925 522647
11 Venkupalem 590079 Vinukonda 577 Hectares 1047 522647
12 Naragayapalem 590080 Vinukonda 639 Hectares 1333 522647
13 Brahmanapalle (Part) 590081 Vinukonda 1226 Hectares 4174 522647
14 Vittamrajupalle 590082 Vinukonda 313 Hectares 646 522647
15 Pedakancherla 590083 Vinukonda 2608 Hectares 5775 522648
16 Madamanchipadu 590084 Vinukonda 195 Hectares -
17 Perumallapalle 590085 Vinukonda 550 Hectares 821 522648
18 Enugupalem 590086 Vinukonda 894 Hectares 4553 522647
19 Settupalle 590087 Vinukonda 330 Hectares 490
20 Ummadivaram 590088 Vinukonda 352 Hectares 942 522649
21 Nagulavaram 590089 Vinukonda 265 Hectares 3147 522649
22 Gokanakonda 590090 Vinukonda 719 Hectares 6930 522649

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