

Challapalle block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Challapalle
Block Code : 703
District : Krishna
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Krishna District

Nearest Village to Challapalle

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Cheedepudi 589742 Challapalle 12 Hectares -
2 Velivolu 589743 Challapalle 353 Hectares 1489 521001
3 Nimmagadda 589744 Challapalle 160 Hectares 822 521126
4 Nadakuduru 589745 Challapalle 1439 Hectares 3620 521126
5 Puritigadda 589746 Challapalle 347 Hectares 2034 521126
6 Yarlagadda 589747 Challapalle 442 Hectares 1640 521126
7 Pagolu 589748 Challapalle 726 Hectares 2950 521126
8 Vakkalagadda 589749 Challapalle 774 Hectares 3012 521126
9 Challapalle 589750 Challapalle 466 Hectares 17067 521126
10 Lakshmipuram 589751 Challapalle 1513 Hectares 12925 521126
11 Mangalapuram 589752 Challapalle 1073 Hectares 3983 521131
12 Majeru 589753 Challapalle 1668 Hectares 3998 521131

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