

Ghantasala block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Ghantasala
Block Code : 701
District : Krishna
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Krishna District

Nearest Village to Ghantasala

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Srikakulam 589693 Ghantasala 2924 Hectares 7153 521132
2 Teluguraopalem 589694 Ghantasala 559 Hectares 1210 521133
3 Kodali 589695 Ghantasala 814 Hectares 2925 521133
4 Kothapalle 589696 Ghantasala 412 Hectares 924 521133
5 V.Rudravaram 589697 Ghantasala 225 Hectares 783 521133
6 Chilakalapudi 589698 Ghantasala 310 Hectares 887 521133
7 Mallampalle 589699 Ghantasala 295 Hectares 1957 521133
8 Chitturu 589700 Ghantasala 609 Hectares 897 521133
9 Bollapadu 589701 Ghantasala 189 Hectares 339 521133
10 Ghantasala 589702 Ghantasala 1221 Hectares 9248 521133
11 Tadepalle 589703 Ghantasala 218 Hectares 1468 521132
12 China Kallepalle 589704 Ghantasala 326 Hectares 1244 521133
13 Vemulapalle 589705 Ghantasala 248 Hectares 964 521133
14 Chitturpu 589706 Ghantasala 908 Hectares 2501 521132
15 Devarakota 589707 Ghantasala 324 Hectares 1573 521133
16 Birudugadda 589708 Ghantasala 106 Hectares 64 521133
17 Elikala Kuduru 589709 Ghantasala 67 Hectares -
18 Daliparru 589710 Ghantasala 584 Hectares 1352 521131
19 Lankapalle 589711 Ghantasala 433 Hectares 2448 521133
20 Pushadam 589712 Ghantasala 363 Hectares 956 521133
21 Endakuduru 589713 Ghantasala 718 Hectares 1205 521131

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