

Kruthivennu block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Kruthivennu
Block Code : 686
District : Krishna
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Krishna District

Nearest Village to Kruthivennu

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Munipeda 589371 Kruthivennu 1037 Hectares 1422 521324
2 Neelipudi 589372 Kruthivennu 480 Hectares 2049 521324
3 Komallapudi 589373 Kruthivennu 799 Hectares 1850 521324
4 Matlam 589374 Kruthivennu 395 Hectares 3683 521324
5 Laxmipuram 589375 Kruthivennu 1548 Hectares 5471 521324
6 Chinagollapalem 589376 Kruthivennu 2553 Hectares 8138 521324
7 Tadivennu 589377 Kruthivennu 603 Hectares 610 534324
8 Chandala 589378 Kruthivennu 288 Hectares 1413 521324
9 Garisepudi 589379 Kruthivennu 325 Hectares 1053 521324
10 Kruthivennu 589380 Kruthivennu 2214 Hectares 7585 521324
11 Endapalle 589381 Kruthivennu 720 Hectares 1074 521324
12 Cherkumilli 589382 Kruthivennu 674 Hectares 1174 521324
13 China Pandraka 589383 Kruthivennu 1492 Hectares 5448 521324
14 Interu 589384 Kruthivennu 2356 Hectares 1309 521324
15 Nidamarru 589385 Kruthivennu 2612 Hectares 6613 521324

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