

Pedana block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Pedana
Block Code : 698
District : Krishna
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Krishna District

Nearest Village to Pedana

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Chevendra 589621 Pedana 836 Hectares 2197 521366
2 Kamalapuram 589622 Pedana 324 Hectares 1703 521366
3 Chennuru 589623 Pedana 1686 Hectares 3326 521366
4 Urivi 589624 Pedana 1015 Hectares 1666 521366
5 Lankalakalavagunta 589625 Pedana 657 Hectares 906 521366
6 Koppalle 589626 Pedana 230 Hectares 330 521366
7 Mutcherla 589627 Pedana 179 Hectares 447 521366
8 Chodavaram 589628 Pedana 571 Hectares 952 521366
9 Nelakondapalle 589629 Pedana 105 Hectares 529 521366
10 Serivarthala Palle 589630 Pedana 319 Hectares 316 521366
11 Mutchiligunta 589631 Pedana 156 Hectares 464 521366
12 Kongamcherla 589632 Pedana 200 Hectares 381 521366
13 Kummarigunta 589633 Pedana 45 Hectares 202 521366
14 Gurivindagunta 589634 Pedana 236 Hectares 293 521366
15 Kavipuram 589635 Pedana 132 Hectares 374 521366
16 Dirisavalli 589636 Pedana 160 Hectares 329 521366
17 Nandigama 589637 Pedana 514 Hectares 2610 521366
18 Bahussainpalem 589638 Pedana 92 Hectares -
19 Penumalli 589639 Pedana 301 Hectares 850 521366
20 Pullapadu 589640 Pedana 198 Hectares 1015 521366
21 Devarapalle 589641 Pedana 287 Hectares 436 521366
22 Jinjeru 589642 Pedana 874 Hectares 1914 521366
23 Nandamuru 589643 Pedana 645 Hectares 2982 521366
24 Madaka 589644 Pedana 473 Hectares 1417 521366
25 Balliparru 589645 Pedana 444 Hectares 1651 521366
26 Konkepudi 589646 Pedana 866 Hectares 2551 521366
27 Kuduru 589647 Pedana 359 Hectares 1192 521366
28 Nadupuru 589648 Pedana 462 Hectares 1366 521366
29 Singarayapalem 589649 Pedana 278 Hectares 466 521366
30 Kakarlamudi 589650 Pedana 420 Hectares 2071 521366

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