

Kolimigundla block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Kolimigundla
Block Code : 968
District : Kurnool
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Kurnool District

Nearest Village to Kolimigundla

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Petnikota 594581 Kolimigundla 6595 Hectares 6581 518123
2 Kolimigundla 594582 Kolimigundla 1055 Hectares 4844 518123
3 Belum 594583 Kolimigundla 1165 Hectares 3614 518123
4 Belumsingavaram 594584 Kolimigundla 771 Hectares 1295 518123
5 Mirjapuram 594585 Kolimigundla 786 Hectares 849 518123
6 Kotapadu 594586 Kolimigundla 1608 Hectares 1558 518123
7 Nandipadu 594587 Kolimigundla 2099 Hectares 1633 518123
8 Itikala 594588 Kolimigundla 2385 Hectares 4238 518123
9 Chintalayapalle 594589 Kolimigundla 1976 Hectares 4094 518123
10 Abdullapuram 594590 Kolimigundla 940 Hectares 1284 518123
11 Korumanipalle 594591 Kolimigundla 1149 Hectares 669 518123
12 Thollamadugu 594592 Kolimigundla 2087 Hectares 1456 518123
13 Shotrium Chennampalle 594593 Kolimigundla 469 Hectares 296 518123
14 Thimmanayunipeta 594594 Kolimigundla 209 Hectares 2026 518123
15 Boyala Tadipatri 594595 Kolimigundla 1247 Hectares 266 518123
16 Boyala Uppalur 594596 Kolimigundla 1251 Hectares 1437 518123
17 Hanumanthagundam 594597 Kolimigundla 1686 Hectares 862 518123
18 Peddaventhurla 594598 Kolimigundla 2096 Hectares 1918 518123
19 Erragudi 594599 Kolimigundla 1654 Hectares 1191 518123
20 Kalvatala 594600 Kolimigundla 1208 Hectares 1117 518123

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