

Nandikotkur block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Nandikotkur
Block Code : 927
District : Kurnool
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Kurnool District

# Panchayat Panchayat Code Block District State
1 Allur Nandikotkur Kurnool Andhra Pradesh
2 Bijinavemula Nandikotkur Kurnool Andhra Pradesh
3 Bollavaram Nandikotkur Kurnool Andhra Pradesh
4 Malyala Nandikotkur Kurnool Andhra Pradesh
5 Brahmanakotkur Nandikotkur Kurnool Andhra Pradesh
6 Damagatla Nandikotkur Kurnool Andhra Pradesh
7 Konidela Nandikotkur Kurnool Andhra Pradesh
8 Nagatoor Nandikotkur Kurnool Andhra Pradesh
9 Nandikotkur Nandikotkur Kurnool Andhra Pradesh
10 Santhanikota Nandikotkur Kurnool Andhra Pradesh
11 Vaddamanu & Kollabavapuram Nandikotkur Kurnool Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Village to Nandikotkur

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Santhanikota 593925 Nandikotkur 1559 Hectares 2193 518432
2 Bijinavemula 593926 Nandikotkur 1058 Hectares 2256 518401
3 Konidela 593927 Nandikotkur 384 Hectares 5472 518411
4 Nagatoor 593928 Nandikotkur 2008 Hectares 2676 518411
5 Maddigatla 593929 Nandikotkur 945 Hectares -
6 Malyala 593930 Nandikotkur 1321 Hectares 2851 518401
7 Allur 593931 Nandikotkur 1376 Hectares 3177 518432
8 Nandi Kotkur 593932 Nandikotkur 2314 Hectares 46953 518401
9 Bollavaram 593933 Nandikotkur 906 Hectares 2561 518432
10 Vaddamanu 593934 Nandikotkur 2355 Hectares 5450 518432
11 Brahmanakotkur 593935 Nandikotkur 1845 Hectares 6893 518432
12 Damagatla 593936 Nandikotkur 1579 Hectares 3266 518432

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