

Pattikonda block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Pattikonda
Block Code : 957
District : Kurnool
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Kurnool District

Nearest Village to Pattikonda

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Nalakadoddi 594411 Pattikonda 1766 Hectares 4219 518347
2 Jutur 594412 Pattikonda 3036 Hectares 3471 518347
3 Devanabanda 594413 Pattikonda 901 Hectares 2052 518347
4 Chinna Hulthi 594414 Pattikonda 1440 Hectares 1707 518347
5 Pedda Hulthi 594415 Pattikonda 1537 Hectares 1839 518347
6 Hosur 594416 Pattikonda 3692 Hectares 7114 518382
7 Putchakayalamada 594417 Pattikonda 1463 Hectares 2137 518382
8 Pattikonda 594418 Pattikonda 4581 Hectares 29342 518382
9 Dudekonda 594419 Pattikonda 3908 Hectares 5826 518380
10 Pandikona 594420 Pattikonda 5227 Hectares 9078 518380
11 Chakkaralla 594421 Pattikonda 1734 Hectares 2177 518380

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