

Amangal block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Amangal
Block Code : 239
District : Mahabubnagar
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Mahabubnagar District

Nearest Village to Amangal

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Vasudevapur 575277 Amangal 449 Hectares 954
2 Karkalpahad 575278 Amangal 1114 Hectares 2827
3 Kadthal 575279 Amangal 529 Hectares 11663
4 Ekrajguda 575280 Amangal 98 Hectares 13
5 Mudwin 575281 Amangal 418 Hectares 6012
6 Cherikondapattipadkal 575282 Amangal 3030 Hectares 2299
7 Cherikonda Pattikalwakurthy 575283 Amangal 720 Hectares 1860
8 Settipalle 575284 Amangal 526 Hectares 1667
9 Akuthotapalle 575285 Amangal 1908 Hectares 3457
10 Konapur 575286 Amangal 513 Hectares 1130
11 Ramanuthula 575287 Amangal 1338 Hectares 1289
12 Vithaipalle 575288 Amangal 444 Hectares 1454
13 Amangal 575289 Amangal 6481 Hectares 23882
14 Chennampalle 575290 Amangal 295 Hectares 797
15 Singam Palle 575291 Amangal 863 Hectares 770
16 Polepalle 575292 Amangal 1452 Hectares 1960

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