

Balmoor block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Balmoor
Block Code : 273
District : Mahabubnagar
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Mahabubnagar District

Nearest Village to Balmoor

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Polepalle 576081 Balmoor 298 Hectares 731 509360
2 Jinkunta 576082 Balmoor 966 Hectares 2214 509385
3 Thummanpeta 576083 Balmoor 1059 Hectares 2748 509375
4 Gattuthumman 576084 Balmoor 2134 Hectares 3142 509375
5 Mahadevpur 576085 Balmoor 497 Hectares 994
6 Polesettipalle 576086 Balmoor 1813 Hectares 3485 509376
7 Chennaram (P.G) 576087 Balmoor 865 Hectares 1209 509339
8 Kondareddipalle 576088 Balmoor 1575 Hectares 1329 509401
9 Godal 576089 Balmoor 1675 Hectares 2191 509401
10 Veeramrajupalle 576090 Balmoor 379 Hectares 444
11 Ramajipalle 576091 Balmoor 8 Hectares 1825
12 Bonala 576092 Balmoor 925 Hectares 2462
13 Kondanagula 576093 Balmoor 1989 Hectares 6333 509401
14 Mylaram 576094 Balmoor 462 Hectares 765
15 Balmoor 576095 Balmoor 2161 Hectares 4024 509401
16 Narasaipalle 576096 Balmoor 446 Hectares 1091 509102
17 Jillellapalle 576097 Balmoor 58 Hectares -
18 Ananthavaram 576098 Balmoor 394 Hectares 1756 509401
19 Ambagiri 576099 Balmoor 328 Hectares 941
20 Ramagiri 576100 Balmoor 350 Hectares -
21 Billakal 576101 Balmoor 3176 Hectares 1084

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