

Bhoothpur block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Bhoothpur
Block Code : 250
District : Mahabubnagar
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Mahabubnagar District

Nearest Village to Bhoothpur

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Ippalpalle 575540 Bhoothpur 921 Hectares 1736 509382
2 Hasnapur 575541 Bhoothpur 1006 Hectares 2024 509382
3 Amistapur 575542 Bhoothpur 1282 Hectares 6669 509382
4 Bhoothpur 575543 Bhoothpur 1414 Hectares 6248 509382
5 Tadparthy 575544 Bhoothpur 862 Hectares 1708 509301
6 Kothur 575545 Bhoothpur 759 Hectares 1840 509301
7 Karvena 575546 Bhoothpur 2429 Hectares 5005 509301
8 Kothamolgara 575547 Bhoothpur 945 Hectares 2202 509382
9 Gopalapur (Khurd) 575548 Bhoothpur 335 Hectares 1021 509382
10 Pothulamadugu 575549 Bhoothpur 766 Hectares 2686 509382
11 Annasagar 575550 Bhoothpur 397 Hectares 2421 509382
12 Tadikonda 575551 Bhoothpur 1598 Hectares 4760 509382
13 Ravalpalle 575552 Bhoothpur 423 Hectares 736 509382
14 Kappeta 575553 Bhoothpur 1122 Hectares 1668 509382
15 Pathamolgara 575554 Bhoothpur 751 Hectares 1171 509382
16 Maddigatla 575555 Bhoothpur 1315 Hectares 3249 509406
17 Yelkicharla 575556 Bhoothpur 1881 Hectares 4633 509406

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