

Kosgi block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Kosgi
Block Code : 227
District : Mahabubnagar
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Mahabubnagar District

Nearest Village to Kosgi

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Kothapalle 574945 Kosgi 452 Hectares 724
2 Lodhipur 574946 Kosgi 141 Hectares 389
3 Chandravancha 574947 Kosgi 728 Hectares 1305
4 Nacharam 574948 Kosgi 591 Hectares 1707
5 Thogapur 574949 Kosgi 786 Hectares 2013
6 Ejipoor 574950 Kosgi 639 Hectares 270
7 Sarjakhanpet 574951 Kosgi 56 Hectares 2787
8 Kosgi 574952 Kosgi 3623 Hectares 21215
9 Mungimalla 574953 Kosgi 285 Hectares 1166
10 Mukthipahad 574954 Kosgi 267 Hectares 618
11 Mushrifa 574955 Kosgi 1192 Hectares 3414
12 Mirzapur 574956 Kosgi 675 Hectares 1613
13 Bijjaram 574957 Kosgi 599 Hectares 1104
14 Chennaram 574958 Kosgi 394 Hectares 1259
15 Kadampalle 574959 Kosgi 572 Hectares 1190
16 Mukthyarnagar 574960 Kosgi 59 Hectares -
17 Sarangaraopalle 574961 Kosgi 231 Hectares 692
18 Bhogaram 574962 Kosgi 525 Hectares 1723
19 Bhakthimalla 574963 Kosgi 1111 Hectares 2259
20 Balabhadraipalle 574964 Kosgi 1013 Hectares 1934
21 Appaipalle 574965 Kosgi 405 Hectares 649
22 Gundmal 574966 Kosgi 2129 Hectares 7060
23 Amlikunta 574967 Kosgi 488 Hectares 1067
24 Mudireddipalle 574968 Kosgi 492 Hectares 1337

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