

Kothakota block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Kothakota
Block Code : 269
District : Mahabubnagar
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Mahabubnagar District

Nearest Village to Kothakota

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Ramanpadu 575991 Kothakota 487 Hectares 977 509391
2 Madanapur 575992 Kothakota 155 Hectares 3231 509381
3 Thirumalaipalle 575993 Kothakota 728 Hectares 2431 509381
4 Dantanoor 575994 Kothakota 535 Hectares 1605 509381
5 Govindahalli 575995 Kothakota 306 Hectares 708 509381
6 Ramnathpur 575996 Kothakota 346 Hectares 1194 509381
7 Shankarampeta 575997 Kothakota 566 Hectares 614 509381
8 Nelividi 575998 Kothakota 645 Hectares 1139 509381
9 Narsingapur 575999 Kothakota 560 Hectares 1512 509381
10 Konnur 576000 Kothakota 1521 Hectares 3586 509381
11 Dwarakanagar 576001 Kothakota 452 Hectares 617 509381
12 Amaravathinagar 576002 Kothakota 58 Hectares -
13 Pathajangamaipalle 576003 Kothakota 207 Hectares 379 509381
14 Kanimetta 576004 Kothakota 897 Hectares 3279 509381
15 Palem 576005 Kothakota 770 Hectares 3751 509381
16 Nirven 576006 Kothakota 758 Hectares 1485 509381
17 Kanaipalle 576007 Kothakota 1294 Hectares 3265 509381
18 Sankireddipalle 576008 Kothakota 1155 Hectares 2659 509381
19 Rayanpet 576009 Kothakota 824 Hectares 2503 509381
20 Amadabakula 576010 Kothakota 973 Hectares 2598 509381
21 Satyahalli 576011 Kothakota 323 Hectares 550 509381
22 Waddawata 576012 Kothakota 1188 Hectares 2105 509381
23 Ajjakollu 576013 Kothakota 2154 Hectares 3853 509381
24 Cherlapalle 576014 Kothakota 687 Hectares 1288 509381
25 Pullareddikunta 576015 Kothakota 325 Hectares 286 509381
26 Apparala 576016 Kothakota 1216 Hectares 2445 509381
27 Boothpur 576017 Kothakota 450 Hectares 836 509381
28 Mummallapalle 576018 Kothakota 786 Hectares 1487 509381
29 Ramakrishnapur 576019 Kothakota 799 Hectares 1957 509381
30 Pamapur 576020 Kothakota 1153 Hectares 2211 509381
31 Miraspalle 576021 Kothakota 1305 Hectares 2996 509381
32 Natavalli 576022 Kothakota 583 Hectares 2557 509381
33 Nancharammapet 576023 Kothakota 445 Hectares 458 509381

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