

Lingal block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Lingal
Block Code : 274
District : Mahabubnagar
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Mahabubnagar District

Nearest Village to Lingal

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Sainpeta 576102 Lingal 911 Hectares 1716
2 Datharam 576103 Lingal 142 Hectares 555
3 Komatikunta 576104 Lingal 915 Hectares 1569 509401
4 Bakaram 576105 Lingal 323 Hectares 618
5 Rampur 576106 Lingal 347 Hectares 723 509371
6 Vallabhapur 576107 Lingal 399 Hectares 874 509401
7 Manajipet 576108 Lingal 231 Hectares 329 509380
8 Madapur 576109 Lingal 204 Hectares 416
9 Maqdumpur 576110 Lingal 211 Hectares 601
10 Jeelugupalle 576111 Lingal 435 Hectares 1116
11 Surapur 576112 Lingal 477 Hectares 1768 509401
12 Kothakuntapalle 576113 Lingal 221 Hectares 1200
13 Ausalikunta 576114 Lingal 955 Hectares 1658 509401
14 Anbatpalle 576115 Lingal 2803 Hectares 4853 509401
15 Rangayapalle 576116 Lingal 756 Hectares -
16 Rayavaram 576117 Lingal 1259 Hectares 2486
17 Chandapuram 576118 Lingal 5584 Hectares -
18 Lingal 576119 Lingal 6588 Hectares 14497 509401

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