

Makthal block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Makthal
Block Code : 265
District : Mahabubnagar
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Mahabubnagar District

Nearest Village to Makthal

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Someshwarbanda 575867 Makthal 569 Hectares 1097
2 Madhawar 575868 Makthal 935 Hectares 2019 509311
3 Lingampalle 575869 Makthal 773 Hectares 1518 509311
4 Upparapalle 575870 Makthal 650 Hectares 1090
5 Kachwar 575871 Makthal 690 Hectares 773 509353
6 Jaklair 575872 Makthal 2588 Hectares 4002 509353
7 Gudigandla 575873 Makthal 860 Hectares 2276 509205
8 Jowlapur 575874 Makthal 571 Hectares 706
9 Krishnasamudram 575875 Makthal 161 Hectares -
10 Manthangoud 575876 Makthal 2522 Hectares 3389 509353
11 Bondalkunta 575877 Makthal 346 Hectares 863
12 Tekulpalle 575878 Makthal 400 Hectares 574
13 Makthal 575879 Makthal 3337 Hectares 19438 509208
14 Sangambanda 575880 Makthal 812 Hectares 2366 509208
15 Gurlapalle 575881 Makthal 154 Hectares 580
16 Thirumalapur 575882 Makthal 228 Hectares 510
17 Dasardoddi 575883 Makthal 971 Hectares 2055 509208
18 Chandapur 575884 Makthal 490 Hectares 1335 509208
19 Kamatpulmamidi 575885 Makthal 166 Hectares -
20 Kamathnarva 575886 Makthal 134 Hectares -
21 Golpalle 575887 Makthal 582 Hectares 973
22 Yernaganpalle 575888 Makthal 435 Hectares 271
23 Katrevpalle 575889 Makthal 715 Hectares 1828
24 Bhoothpur 575890 Makthal 1280 Hectares 1791 509353
25 Rudrasamudram 575891 Makthal 1285 Hectares 2110 509208
26 Khanapur 575892 Makthal 762 Hectares 1320 509215
27 Karni 575893 Makthal 3571 Hectares 3613 509208
28 Panchalingal 575894 Makthal 945 Hectares 1506 509208
29 Chityal 575895 Makthal 1200 Hectares 2051 509206
30 Paspul 575896 Makthal 566 Hectares 941 509412
31 Panchadevupad 575897 Makthal 561 Hectares 1332 509208
32 Pareval 575898 Makthal 743 Hectares 835
33 Musalaipalle 575899 Makthal 185 Hectares 940
34 Anugonda 575900 Makthal 1621 Hectares 3784 509208
35 Chinnagopalapur 575901 Makthal 340 Hectares 562
36 Bhagvanpalle 575902 Makthal 463 Hectares 499
37 Satyawar 575903 Makthal 987 Hectares 1289 509208
38 Kondadoddi 575904 Makthal 676 Hectares 683
39 Mustipalle 575905 Makthal 1081 Hectares 1109 509208

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