

Peddakothapalle block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Peddakothapalle
Block Code : 275
District : Mahabubnagar
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Mahabubnagar District

Nearest Village to Peddakothapalle

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Devalthirumalpur 576120 Peddakothapalle 556 Hectares 2782 509412
2 Vennacherla 576121 Peddakothapalle 1944 Hectares 5692 509412
3 Chandrakal 576122 Peddakothapalle 1637 Hectares 2925 509412
4 Adirala 576123 Peddakothapalle 272 Hectares 563 509412
5 Mustipalle 576124 Peddakothapalle 1354 Hectares 3359 509412
6 Marrikal 576125 Peddakothapalle 1389 Hectares 2795 509412
7 Peddakothapalle 576126 Peddakothapalle 1613 Hectares 5407 509412
8 Peddakarpamula 576127 Peddakothapalle 1353 Hectares 4257 509412
9 Dedinenipalle 576128 Peddakothapalle 918 Hectares 933 509412
10 Chinnakarpamula 576129 Peddakothapalle 906 Hectares 1165 509412
11 Bacharam 576130 Peddakothapalle 1146 Hectares 500 509412
12 Jonnalaboguda 576131 Peddakothapalle 760 Hectares 2060 509412
13 Gantraopalle 576132 Peddakothapalle 919 Hectares 2575 509102
14 Pochapur 576133 Peddakothapalle 219 Hectares -
15 Bhavanampalle 576134 Peddakothapalle 756 Hectares -
16 Sathapur 576135 Peddakothapalle 1649 Hectares 4663 509102
17 Narayanpalle 576136 Peddakothapalle 231 Hectares 1068 509102
18 Mahasamudram 576137 Peddakothapalle 341 Hectares 646 509102
19 Chennapuraopalle 576138 Peddakothapalle 1178 Hectares 2402 509102
20 Kalwakole 576139 Peddakothapalle 1610 Hectares 5965 509102
21 Thirumalampalle 576140 Peddakothapalle 702 Hectares 496 509102
22 Vedukaraopalle 576141 Peddakothapalle 415 Hectares 180 509102
23 Kothapeta 576142 Peddakothapalle 1295 Hectares 490 509102
24 Yapatla 576143 Peddakothapalle 1755 Hectares 4127 509102
25 Gorremadugu 576144 Peddakothapalle 14820 Hectares -
26 Maredumandinne 576145 Peddakothapalle 937 Hectares 1411 509102

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