

Telkapalle block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Telkapalle
Block Code : 257
District : Mahabubnagar
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Mahabubnagar District

Nearest Village to Telkapalle

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Zamistapur 575677 Telkapalle 616 Hectares 1000 509385
2 Karvanga 575678 Telkapalle 2220 Hectares 2727 509385
3 Nadigadda 575679 Telkapalle 1058 Hectares 2867 509385
4 Gouraram 575680 Telkapalle 845 Hectares 1971 509385
5 Parvathapuram 575681 Telkapalle 374 Hectares 836 509385
6 Rakonda 575682 Telkapalle 1256 Hectares 1689 509385
7 Telkapalle 575683 Telkapalle 2822 Hectares 10384 509385
8 Chinnamudnur 575684 Telkapalle 729 Hectares 1135 509385
9 Gaddampalle 575685 Telkapalle 1275 Hectares 1727 509385
10 Gouthampalle 575686 Telkapalle 452 Hectares 962 509385
11 Raipakula 575687 Telkapalle 596 Hectares 1618 509385
12 Ananthasagar 575688 Telkapalle 524 Hectares 1308 509385
13 Bandapalle 575689 Telkapalle 348 Hectares 526 509385
14 Gattunellikuduru 575690 Telkapalle 1398 Hectares 1335 509385
15 Pedduru 575691 Telkapalle 1236 Hectares 4609 509385
16 Peddapalle 575692 Telkapalle 2163 Hectares 3990 509385
17 Vattipalle 575693 Telkapalle 1496 Hectares 2798 509412
18 Boppepalle 575694 Telkapalle 893 Hectares 1464 509485
19 Alair 575695 Telkapalle 2564 Hectares 4166 509385
20 Lakhnaram 575696 Telkapalle 1474 Hectares 2473 509385

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