

Thimmajipet block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Thimmajipet
Block Code : 251
District : Mahabubnagar
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Mahabubnagar District

Nearest Village to Thimmajipet

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Pullagiri 575557 Thimmajipet 1239 Hectares 2600 509406
2 Marikal 575558 Thimmajipet 1144 Hectares 3096 509406
3 Ippalapalle 575559 Thimmajipet 1610 Hectares 1915 509406
4 Avancha 575560 Thimmajipet 2837 Hectares 5022 509301
5 Budhasamudram 575561 Thimmajipet 703 Hectares 1535 509301
6 Nerellapalle 575562 Thimmajipet 573 Hectares 1515 509301
7 Marepalle 575563 Thimmajipet 1509 Hectares 3479 509406
8 Vedirepalle 575564 Thimmajipet 805 Hectares 1764 509406
9 Thimmajipet 575565 Thimmajipet 759 Hectares 3489 509406
10 Thirumalagiri 575566 Thimmajipet 307 Hectares -
11 Gorita 575567 Thimmajipet 1377 Hectares 3136 509406
12 Chegunta 575568 Thimmajipet 1013 Hectares 2380 509406
13 Bajipuram 575569 Thimmajipet 831 Hectares 1642 509203
14 Gummakonda 575570 Thimmajipet 784 Hectares 1463 509406
15 Appajipalle 575571 Thimmajipet 531 Hectares 907 509406
16 Koduparthy 575572 Thimmajipet 743 Hectares 1896 509406
17 Allampalle 575573 Thimmajipet 364 Hectares -
18 Bhavajipalle 575574 Thimmajipet 939 Hectares 1746 509406
19 Pothireddipalle 575575 Thimmajipet 2024 Hectares 2839 509406

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