

Uppununthala block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Uppununthala
Block Code : 256
District : Mahabubnagar
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Mahabubnagar District

Nearest Village to Uppununthala

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Dasarlapalle 575655 Uppununthala 785 Hectares 1006
2 Peddapur 575656 Uppununthala 546 Hectares 1086 509360
3 Molgara 575657 Uppununthala 580 Hectares 810
4 Zapthisadgode 575658 Uppununthala 673 Hectares 1246
5 Thirumalapur (Pattigodal) 575659 Uppununthala 368 Hectares 853
6 Koratikal 575660 Uppununthala 1416 Hectares 1654
7 Vighneswarpur 575661 Uppununthala 146 Hectares -
8 Lathifpur 575662 Uppununthala 344 Hectares 598
9 Penmilla 575663 Uppununthala 3765 Hectares 4201 509376
10 Ayyavaripalle 575664 Uppununthala 528 Hectares 924 509357
11 Veltur 575665 Uppununthala 1787 Hectares 3210 509376
12 Thippapur 575666 Uppununthala 220 Hectares 564
13 Kamsanipalle 575667 Uppununthala 676 Hectares 1964 509376
14 Rajanagar 575668 Uppununthala 306 Hectares -
15 Laxmapur (Pattigodal) 575669 Uppununthala 1818 Hectares 1248 509385
16 Mamillapalle 575670 Uppununthala 964 Hectares 1467 509385
17 Upparapalle 575671 Uppununthala 906 Hectares 1144 509385
18 Marripalle 575672 Uppununthala 725 Hectares 1754
19 Uppununthala 575673 Uppununthala 813 Hectares 6205 509376
20 Tadoor 575674 Uppununthala 1593 Hectares 2294 509376
21 Peratwanipalle 575675 Uppununthala 552 Hectares 1250 509376
22 Raichedu 575676 Uppununthala 645 Hectares 747

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