

Veldanda block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Veldanda
Block Code : 241
District : Mahabubnagar
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Mahabubnagar District

Nearest Village to Veldanda

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Kuppagandla 575308 Veldanda 1822 Hectares 3785
2 Peddapur 575309 Veldanda 1596 Hectares 2240
3 Cherkur 575310 Veldanda 3764 Hectares 5810
4 Koneduvada 575311 Veldanda 470 Hectares 482
5 Bollampalle 575312 Veldanda 1282 Hectares 2318
6 Chedurvalli 575313 Veldanda 1678 Hectares 2648
7 Ajilapur 575314 Veldanda 1282 Hectares 2039
8 Bhairpur 575315 Veldanda 1521 Hectares 1851
9 Seriappareddipalle 575316 Veldanda 887 Hectares 912
10 Gokaram 575317 Veldanda 2013 Hectares 1924
11 Yerravalli 575318 Veldanda 429 Hectares 501
12 Pothepalle 575319 Veldanda 1336 Hectares 3126
13 Gundal 575320 Veldanda 699 Hectares 610
14 Veldanda 575321 Veldanda 3087 Hectares 5697
15 Karrevanipalle 575322 Veldanda 232 Hectares -
16 Rachur 575323 Veldanda 1536 Hectares 2615
17 Kotra 575324 Veldanda 2938 Hectares 2693
18 Tandra 575325 Veldanda 2022 Hectares 2293
19 Lingareddipalle 575326 Veldanda 214 Hectares 798
20 Jupalle 575327 Veldanda 3367 Hectares 3664

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