

Waddepalle block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Waddepalle
Block Code : 286
District : Mahabubnagar
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Mahabubnagar District

Nearest Village to Waddepalle

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Tanagala 576375 Waddepalle 1825 Hectares 3787 509135
2 Patcharla 576376 Waddepalle 1507 Hectares 3199 509135
3 Mandoddi 576377 Waddepalle 1663 Hectares 4623 509135
4 Nasnur 576378 Waddepalle 513 Hectares 1357 509135
5 Peddadhanwada 576379 Waddepalle 2054 Hectares 2966 509135
6 Chinnadhanwada 576380 Waddepalle 496 Hectares 1401 509126
7 Thummella 576381 Waddepalle 1588 Hectares 2555 509126
8 Pedda Thandrapadu 576382 Waddepalle 932 Hectares 3683 509126
9 Konkala 576383 Waddepalle 1479 Hectares 4206 509126
10 Julakal 576384 Waddepalle 2441 Hectares 2967 509126
11 Ramapuram 576385 Waddepalle 2376 Hectares 5546 509126
12 Koildinne 576386 Waddepalle 932 Hectares 1250 509126
13 Paipadu 576387 Waddepalle 999 Hectares 2804 509126
14 Jilledudinne 576388 Waddepalle 709 Hectares 1057 509126
15 Waddepalle 576389 Waddepalle 1555 Hectares 10463 509126
16 Mundladinne 576390 Waddepalle 607 Hectares 1933 509126
17 Padamatigarlapadu 576391 Waddepalle 469 Hectares 284 509126
18 Rajoli 576392 Waddepalle 3210 Hectares 12489 509126
19 Turpugarlapadu 576393 Waddepalle 478 Hectares 961 509126
20 Budamarsu 576394 Waddepalle 657 Hectares 1914 509126

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