

Wanaparthy block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Wanaparthy
Block Code : 271
District : Mahabubnagar
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Mahabubnagar District

Nearest Village to Wanaparthy

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Rajapeta 576040 Wanaparthy 1225 Hectares 2625 509381
2 Rajanagar 576041 Wanaparthy 402 Hectares 2287
3 Achutapur 576042 Wanaparthy 401 Hectares 891
4 Chityala 576043 Wanaparthy 1540 Hectares 4913 509208
5 Ankoor 576044 Wanaparthy 503 Hectares 1588
6 Venkatapur 576045 Wanaparthy 166 Hectares 700
7 Jakkampalle 576046 Wanaparthy 211 Hectares -
8 Chimanguntapalle 576047 Wanaparthy 1024 Hectares 3870 509206
9 Nagavaram 576048 Wanaparthy 858 Hectares 3696
10 Peddagudem 576049 Wanaparthy 2631 Hectares 5210 509381
11 Kadukuntla 576050 Wanaparthy 945 Hectares 4663 509381
12 Mentapalle 576051 Wanaparthy 404 Hectares 1201
13 Natchahalli 576052 Wanaparthy 871 Hectares 877
14 Kistagiri 576053 Wanaparthy 236 Hectares 932
15 Savaigudem 576054 Wanaparthy 1226 Hectares 2444
16 Chandapur 576055 Wanaparthy 772 Hectares 2449 509375
17 Dattaipalle 576056 Wanaparthy 1185 Hectares 1343
18 Srinivaspur 576057 Wanaparthy 957 Hectares 3052
19 Appaipalle 576058 Wanaparthy 425 Hectares 1836
20 Khasimnagar 576059 Wanaparthy 890 Hectares 2339
21 Anjangiri 576060 Wanaparthy 549 Hectares 656

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