

Gajwel block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Gajwel
Block Code : 179
District : Medak
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Medak District

Nearest Village to Gajwel

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Dilalpur 573617 Gajwel 280 Hectares 1872 502278
2 Seripalle 573618 Gajwel 414 Hectares 895 502278
3 Kolgur 573619 Gajwel 886 Hectares 2090 502278
4 Ahmadipur 573620 Gajwel 1172 Hectares 3580 502278
5 Singatam 573621 Gajwel 559 Hectares 1990 502278
6 Burugupalle 573622 Gajwel 523 Hectares 1624 502301
7 Dacharam 573623 Gajwel 571 Hectares 1390 502278
8 Pedched 573624 Gajwel 1331 Hectares 3066 502278
9 Bejgaon 573625 Gajwel 1033 Hectares 2265 502278
10 Bayyaram 573626 Gajwel 873 Hectares 1688 502278
11 Jaligaon 573627 Gajwel 1176 Hectares 3661 502278
12 Dharmareddipalle 573628 Gajwel 955 Hectares 2522 502278
13 Bangla Venkatapur 573629 Gajwel 365 Hectares 1909 502334
14 Maqta Masanpalle 573630 Gajwel 352 Hectares 930 502334
15 Komatibanda 573631 Gajwel 306 Hectares 776 502278
16 Sangapur 573632 Gajwel 513 Hectares 721 502278
17 Mutrajpalle 573633 Gajwel 577 Hectares 3713 502278
18 Pragnapur 573634 Gajwel 1566 Hectares 7289 502311
19 Srigiripalle 573635 Gajwel 749 Hectares 2083 502278
20 Akkaram 573636 Gajwel 1163 Hectares 1834 502311
21 Havaiguda 573637 Gajwel 126 Hectares -
22 Datarpalle 573638 Gajwel 338 Hectares 968 502312
23 Kyasaram 573639 Gajwel 409 Hectares 1063 502278
24 Rimmanguda 573640 Gajwel 1000 Hectares 2106 502312
25 Kodakondla 573641 Gajwel 1089 Hectares 2268 502312

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