

Kalher block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Kalher
Block Code : 149
District : Medak
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Medak District

Nearest Village to Kalher

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Mubarakpoor 572813 Kalher 480 Hectares 1021 502287
2 Bokkasgaon 572814 Kalher 403 Hectares 855 502287
3 Anthergaon 572815 Kalher 730 Hectares 1876 502287
4 Pochapoor 572816 Kalher 495 Hectares 1817 502287
5 Bibipet 572817 Kalher 1022 Hectares 2833 502287
6 Fathepoor 572818 Kalher 352 Hectares 1028 502287
7 Mardi 572819 Kalher 1172 Hectares 3451 502287
8 Kalher 572820 Kalher 1269 Hectares 3640 502371
9 Masan Palle 572821 Kalher 447 Hectares 2543 502371
10 Mahadev Palle 572822 Kalher 416 Hectares 979 502287
11 Khanapoor (B) 572823 Kalher 417 Hectares 631 502371
12 Ramreddi Pet 572824 Kalher 2097 Hectares 1978 502371
13 Bachepalle 572825 Kalher 1577 Hectares 3617 502371
14 Meerkhanpet 572826 Kalher 479 Hectares 1649 502371
15 Raparthy 572827 Kalher 1223 Hectares 1677 502371
16 Krishnapoor 572828 Kalher 946 Hectares 2564 502371
17 Khanapur (Kadeem) 572829 Kalher 324 Hectares 1117 502371
18 Khajapur 572830 Kalher 585 Hectares 1282 502248
19 Gosaipalle 572831 Kalher 88 Hectares 810 502287
20 Sultanabad 572832 Kalher 351 Hectares 1821 502287
21 Sirgapoor 572833 Kalher 2106 Hectares 5608 502287
22 Kadpal 572834 Kalher 1912 Hectares 3488 502287
23 Nagdhar 572835 Kalher 2302 Hectares 3703 502371
24 Mungepalle 572836 Kalher 846 Hectares 1498 502371
25 Malharpoor 572837 Kalher 90 Hectares -

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