

Kohir block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Kohir
Block Code : 171
District : Medak
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Medak District

Nearest Village to Kohir

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Madri 573378 Kohir 824 Hectares 1908 502321
2 Digwal 573379 Kohir 1193 Hectares 4596 502321
3 Kavelli 573380 Kohir 1274 Hectares 2928 502321
4 Chinthalghat 573381 Kohir 775 Hectares 1748 502321
5 Kothur Patti Digwal 573382 Kohir 472 Hectares 635 502321
6 Venkatapur 573383 Kohir 888 Hectares 1931 502321
7 Pothireddypalle 573384 Kohir 558 Hectares 1232 502210
8 Kohir 573385 Kohir 2686 Hectares 15075 502210
9 Rajnelli 573386 Kohir 356 Hectares 1228 502321
10 Gurjuwada 573387 Kohir 746 Hectares 2237 502321
11 Picharagad 573388 Kohir 1317 Hectares 3727 502321
12 Machreddipalle 573389 Kohir 626 Hectares 2291 502306
13 Sajjapur 573390 Kohir 546 Hectares 1453 502321
14 Khanapur 573391 Kohir 473 Hectares 1441 502210
15 Parsapalle 573392 Kohir 907 Hectares 1375 502221
16 Siddapur Pattikohir 573393 Kohir 397 Hectares 538 502210
17 Godgar Palle 573394 Kohir 495 Hectares 2456 502210
18 Badampet 573395 Kohir 1276 Hectares 1442 502221
19 Maniyarpalle 573396 Kohir 1217 Hectares 2387 502210
20 Bilalpur 573397 Kohir 1538 Hectares 3982 502210
21 Kothur Pattikohir 573398 Kohir 468 Hectares 1066 502210
22 Paidigummal 573399 Kohir 1739 Hectares 2972 502210
23 Nagireddy Palle 573400 Kohir 639 Hectares 1990 502210

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