

Nangnoor block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Nangnoor
Block Code : 157
District : Medak
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Medak District

Nearest Village to Nangnoor

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Mundrai 573023 Nangnoor 895 Hectares 1425 502375
2 Rajagopalpet 573024 Nangnoor 544 Hectares 2469 502375
3 Palamakula 573025 Nangnoor 1199 Hectares 3292 502375
4 Oblapur 573026 Nangnoor 459 Hectares 1149 502375
5 Baddipadaga 573027 Nangnoor 1750 Hectares 3561 502375
6 Rampur 573028 Nangnoor 831 Hectares 1336 502375
7 Maqdumpur 573029 Nangnoor 614 Hectares 1885 502375
8 Venkatapur 573030 Nangnoor 449 Hectares 1281 502375
9 Konaipalle 573031 Nangnoor 365 Hectares 735 502375
10 Velkatur 573032 Nangnoor 703 Hectares 1635 502375
11 Thimmaipalle 573033 Nangnoor 557 Hectares 1301 502277
12 Narmetta 573034 Nangnoor 1676 Hectares 3087 502375
13 Khanapur 573035 Nangnoor 646 Hectares 1332 502280
14 Nagrajpalle 573036 Nangnoor 223 Hectares 724 502280
15 Ankushapur 573037 Nangnoor 401 Hectares 1114 502280
16 Nanganur 573038 Nangnoor 2308 Hectares 6950 502280
17 Ghanpur 573039 Nangnoor 655 Hectares 1210 502280
18 Akkanepalle 573040 Nangnoor 1009 Hectares 2025 502280
19 Gatlamallial 573041 Nangnoor 1047 Hectares 2783 502280
20 Kondamrajpalle 573042 Nangnoor 514 Hectares 1259 502280
21 Khata 573043 Nangnoor 797 Hectares 1241 502280

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